by Hjalmar

Northern Lights Map & Aurora Forecast

Real-time aurora forecast with clear sky detection. Discover the best locations to see the northern lights tonight with our interactive map.

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How to use our northern lights forecast

To accurately predict when and where you can see the northern lights, we track three 3 essential measurements: KP index 1, HPI 2, and Bz 3. Understanding these values will help you find the best time to see this spectacular phenomenon.

What is the Kp Index?


The Kp Index is the most important measurement for aurora viewing, ranging from 0 to 9. The Kp-index does not have a physical unit - it is a quasi-logarithmic scale that measures the global geomagnetic disturbances caused by solar wind.

Kp 0-2: Weak Activity
Only visible near the Arctic Circle under perfect conditions. Best spots: Northern Scandinavia.
Kp 3-4: Good Conditions
Visible in places like Tromsø, Abisko, and Iceland. Perfect for planned aurora trips.
Kp 5-6: Storm Levels
Can reach southern Scandinavia and northern UK. Worth traveling to see!
Kp 7-9: Major Storm
Visible at mid-latitudes. Extremely rare but spectacular displays.

What is HPI?


The Hemispheric Power Index measures the total energy of the aurora in gigawatts (GW).

Below 20 GW: Low Activity
Faint auroras, typically only visible with cameras or in perfect conditions.
20-35 GW: Normal Activity
Visible to the naked eye in dark locations. Good photography conditions.
35-50 GW: Strong Activity
Bright, dynamic auroras. Excellent for both viewing and photography.
Above 50 GW: Intense Activity
Very bright and active. Can sometimes be seen despite light pollution.

What is Bz?


The solar wind's magnetic direction that triggers aurora activity when pointing south (negative values).

Above 0 nT
Stable conditions. Lower chance of aurora activity.
0 to -5 nT
Mild conditions. Aurora possible in usual locations.
-5 to -10 nT
Good conditions for aurora formation. Worth monitoring.
Below -10 nT
Strong magnetic storm conditions. High chance of aurora activity.

Viewing Tips


Follow these guidelines to maximize your chances of seeing the aurora.

Best Viewing Locations

    Choose a dark location away from city lights

Best Timing

    4 PM - 8 pm local
  • PEAK
    9 PM - 2 AM local
12 am
3 am
6 pm
9 pm
January offers long nights, ideal for aurora spotting, but weather can be cold and snowy.

Weather Conditions

    Cloud coverage before heading out